Since 2013, THEAM offers several Trainings* in order to help you to use better our products and work in safier conditions.
Driver traing for Theam conveyors
Goal : Overview of all the information and operation around the use of a conveyor belt with respect of safety rules. The maintenance 1st level is also provide in this course.
Technical training and conveyor maintenance
Goal : To know how to realize preventing maintenance of your conveyors – This training is dedicated to Mechanics.
Safety Training
Goal : Being aware of the working environment (human being and machines) in order to work in the safiest way.
Sales Training
Goal : How to develop the conveyor service to your customer ?
Use and maintenance training Sprider-ReCoDrive-Feeder-EZ-Filler
Goal : Go over all operations of using Sprider, EZ-Filler to lay asphalt or gravels. Overview of th euse of the ReCoDrive with respect of safety rules and basic maintenance.
*Enregistré sous le numéro 52 44 07016 44 ne vaut pas agrément de l’Etat.Contatc us to get more information about trainings :